The National Coordination Meeting for the Evaluation of Archival Monitoring Results as well as the highlight of the 51st National Archives Day | Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark


UNESCO Global Geopark

News |     The National Coordination Meeting for the Evaluation of Archival Monitoring Results as well as the highlight of the 51st National Archives Day

Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu | Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025

The National Coordination Meeting for the Evaluation of Archival Monitoring Results as well as the highlight of the 51st National Archives Day is still taking place at the Prince Hotel, Pekanbaru, Riau, Wednesday (18/5).

Head of ANRI, Drs. Imam Gunarto, M.Hum handed over the Certificate of National Collective Memory for the UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG) Archives of Ciletuh - Palabuhanratu to the West Java Provincial Government represented by the Regional Assistant for General Administration of the West Java Regional Secretary, Dr. Ir. Ferry Sofwan Arif, M.Si, QCRO.

On the same occasion, the West Java Provincial Government received a Rank III Award with the AA category "Very Satisfactory" in the 2021 Archives Supervision Score Results, after D.I. Yogyakarta and Central Java. Tjahjo Kumolo as the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform gave the award which was represented by the Head of West Java Dispusipda, Dr. Hening Widiatmoko, MA.
