Celebration of the 65th Ciwaru Fisherman's Day 2022 Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Unesco Global Geopak (CPUGGp) | Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark


UNESCO Global Geopark

News |     Celebration of the 65th Ciwaru Fisherman's Day 2022 Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Unesco Global Geopak (CPUGGp)

Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu | Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025

The Regional Secretary of Sukabumi Regency, Ade Suryaman, opened the Celebration of the 65th Ciwaru Fisherman's Day 2022 Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Unesco Global Geopak (CPUGGp) at Palangpang Beach, Ciwaru Village, Ciemas District, Sukabumi Regency. Thursday (12/5/22)
In his speech, the Regional Secretary, Ade Suryaman, said that the Sukabumi Regency Government was proud and happy with the implementation of the 65th Ciwaru Fisherman's Day Thanksgiving for the abundance of sustenance of marine products obtained by fishermen in Sukabumi Regency.
"Thank God the results of our efforts together with the fishermen's thanksgiving activity can be carried out and we are sure that the fish catches in the future can continue to increase," he said
According to him, this celebration is not only a tradition but also a form of preserving traditional culture that has been integrated with fishermen and has the potential to boost economic value and community welfare.
The development of the fishery sector refers to Presidential Regulation No. 3 of 2017 and Presidential Instruction No. 7 of 2016 concerning the Acceleration of Development of the National Fisheries Industry, both regulations serve as legal umbrellas as well as reinforcement for the Sukabumi Regency Government.
"The Department of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs in carrying out Marine and Fishery governance in Sukabumi Regency is also a partner of the All Indonesian Fishermen Association (HNSI) in an effort to increase empowerment as well as become a media forum in accommodating providing solutions to fishermen's problems," he explained.
continued the Secretary, the potential of Sukabumi Regency is very abundant so it needs to be maintained and preserved properly to bring in tourists both domestically and abroad. So that the form of fishermen's thanksgiving must be packaged dynamically and attractively.
"In that case, collaboration is needed for all elements of fentahelix in accordance with their respective duties, especially from the Tourism Office, Disbudpora Office and all of us," he asked.
The Regional Secretary hopes that the arrival of tourists from outside in the momentum for the implementation of the Fishermen Thanksgiving should be put to good use by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), especially those from micro-enterprises that have local wisdom so that the region has superior products that are unique, attractive and affordable by all buyers from across the globe. various circles
"This requires the role of the Department of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade to increase business empowerment," he stressed
The general committee for the Ciwaru Fisherman Thanksgiving event, H. Ujang Abdurohim Rochmi, expressed his highest gratitude to the Sukabumi Regency Government for supporting the holding of the thanksgiving activity.
"We, on behalf of the organizing committee, would like to thank the Sukabumi Regency Government for their full support and hopefully in the future this activity will be better and better," he said.
At the end of the activity, the distribution of basic necessities was symbolically given and the recipients of Identity Cards
Present at the event, FORKOPIMDA, FORKOPIMCAM Ciemas, DPRD, Tourism Office, Disbudpora, DPC HNSI, Danramil, Kapolsek, Fisheries and Marine Service, ASN Supervisory Board, Disdukcapil, Bappelitbangda, Satpol PP, Perumda Agro and other invited guests

Source : https://www.facebook.com/diskominfosankabsukabumi/posts/362993219195856.