Padjadjaran University Postgraduate School - Master of Tourism Planning School of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark


UNESCO Global Geopark

News |     Padjadjaran University Postgraduate School - Master of Tourism Planning School of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu | Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Joint Program Activities between the Sustainable Tourism Study Program of the Postgraduate School of Padjadjaran University and the Master of Tourism Planning School of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in the Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu area UGGp on Day/Date : Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 9 – 11 May 2024

Providing students with direct experience in managing sustainable tourism destinations, as well as deepening their understanding of the potential and challenges in managing geoparks. Apart from that, this visit is also expected to strengthen cooperation between the Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark and higher education institutions.

Geopark Information Center for “Sustainable Tourism Benchmarking Sharing Session”
Product Audit Survey and Guiding Tour to Ciletuh Geopark  - Cisolok Geyser – Hotspring
Sinarresmi Traditional Village
Hanjeli Tourism Village: Agrotourism (Snacks, Food Processing Products)
Megalodon Museum
Ujunggenteng Beach :  Green Turtle Conservation and Release Baby Turtle
Panenjoan: PAPSI, Plaza Amphiteathre, UNPAD Geopark
Sodong Waterfall, Palangpang Beach, Cimarinjung Waterfall, Puncak Darma

Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark - CPUGGp
"The first land of the western Java island"
official CPUGGp @ciletuh
thanks for visiting, keep clean and beautiful.