
UNESCO Global Geopark

Information of

Gunung Beas Complex

This geosite is a complex of rocky oceanic crust that lifted to the surface and can be observed at two geological sites, namely Mount Beas and Tegal Pamakanan. The rocks that compose this area are generally ophiolites and metamorphic rocks that were formed around 65 to 50 million years ago (Cretaceous Period). This area has a distinctive appearance where there are no tall trees and only overgrown with grass or thatch. This is due to the thin layer of soil and soil content which is the result of weathering of ultramafic rocks, which contain lots of iron, so that only certain plants can grow on it (picture attached). Gunung Beas and Tegal Pamakanan complexes are located in the Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve (SM Cikepuh) which is managed by the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA). Access to this location from the nearest village can only be reached on foot for approximately 3-4 hours.


Where Gunung Beas Complex is located ?

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