
UNESCO Global Geopark

Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark Event and Festival

All schedule of geopark event

# UNESCO Global Geopark Youth Forum

Kementrian PPN/Bappenas officially establishes #IndonesiaGeoparkYouthForum, a forum for the youth who actives at Geopark as Indonesian Representative at The 1st UNESCO Global Geopark Youth Forum in September 2021. As the country and state whose huge and wonderful biodiversity, Indonesia has Geopark that is not only functioned for tourism. Indonesia also has 14 National Geoparks and there are 80 inherited geological locations and biodiversity in Indonesia that can be developed into Geopark. Beside functioned as natural conservation, Geoparks contributes to reach the achievement of 11 Sustainable Development Goals/ @SDGs_Indonesia and as one of the strategy of the economic recovery, social reformation with high potential investment.

Location : Jeju Island, Korea Selatan
Penyelenggara : Kementrian PPN/Bappenas
Start Date : Wednesday, 1 Sep 2021
End of Event : Thursday, 30 Sep 2021