CPUGGp Management Board Frequently Trained Its Stakeholders | Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark


UNESCO Global Geopark

Article |     CPUGGp Management Board Frequently Trained Its Stakeholders

Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu | Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025

The management board of Ciletuh Pelabuhanratu Unesco Global Geopark (CPUGGp) scheduled some training for the geosite guides (georanger) and the owners and managers of homestay facilities in an attempt to improve the geopark visitors’ overall satisfaction.
On July 29th, 2020, 20 georangers were given basic training on insight, comprehension of their roles and duties, and the basics of hospitality in dealing with visitors. Dodi Soemantri, General Manager of CPUGGp, stated that this training also becomes a preliminary agenda before the georangers receive specialized training by the ministry of tourism and creative economy of RI (Republic of Indonesia) in cooperation with Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). At the end of the year, they will train with English speaking skills for dealing with foreign tourists.
On the other hand, on August 3rd, 2020, the owners and managers of homestay facilities would be given training on homestay management. In dealing with the COVID-19 issue, managers must apply health protocols by limit the maximum number of lodgers in one homestay. They were given training on hospitality and insight on geopark. The homestay managers previously have been trained by JAMKRINDO (state-owned enterprise) for comprehension and the utilization of yards for hydroponic plants for food security during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On the opening ceremony, local government secretary, Iyos Somantri, mandates for participants to take advantage of this training momentum to hone their abilities, exchange experiences, and to have discussions among their colleagues to improve their knowledge. One of the interviewees involved was Professor Mega Rosana, Ph.D., one of the board members of CPUGGp, who shared a lot of her expertise with the participants as practical knowledge.
Next year, several training programs are planned, such as journalism skills for communities that are active on social media (citizen journalists), training for packaging local specialty products, and creating an online store for selling local geo-product directly by the community..