Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark
Happy 40th National Children's Day 2024
"Protected Children, Advanced Indonesia"
National Children's Day 2024 as a form of respect, protection and fulfillment of children's rights as the nation's next generation; with specific objectives, namely: Increasing women's empowerment in entrepreneurship as an effort to fulfill children's rights;
Increasing the role of family and child care;
Reducing violence against children;
Decrease in child labor;
Prevention of child marriage;
The 40th National Children's Day 2024 has six sub-themes, namely:
1. Smart children, healthy internet use
2. Children's voices build the nation
3. Pancasila in the hearts of Indonesian children
4. Dare to lead and speak up: Children of pioneers and whistleblowers
5. Decent care for children: Digital parenting
6. Children are free from violence, child marriage, child labor and stunting
Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark - CPUGGp
"The first land of the western Java island"
official CPUGGp @ciletuh
thanks for visiting, keep clean and beautiful
by @sukabumiface @smithour
@jokowi @bappenasri
@geoparkactionplan @globalgeoparksnetwork @ggnyouth
@beytmachmudin @marwanhamamismi @marwan.hamami @iyos_somantri @sukabumikab @gurilapss.sukabumi @pemkab_sukabumi_diskominfo
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