Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark
Alhamdulillah, Hanjeli Tourism Village was selected as one of the six best tourist villages to receive awards at the Wonderful Indonesia Impact 2024 event;
Hanjeli Tourism Village @hanjelitourismvillage
Hanjeli Tourism Village in Waluran District, Sukabumi Regency, Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UGGp area as one of the points of interest for a developing Tourism Village involving all elements of the community, society, Youth Forum, government, media, private sector, academics makes the Village continue to develop, the role of women and migrant workers and youth are very important in its development;
"The first land of the western Java Island"
celebrating the earth's heritage
for the welfare of local communities
Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark - CPUGGp
Thank you for visiting, keep it clean and beautiful
by @sukabumiface @smithour
@jokowi @bappenasri
@geoparkactionplan @globalgeoparksnetwork @ggnyouth
@hidayatasep @rhputri02_ @indra_lesmama04
@wonderfulindonesia @kemenparekraf.ri
@beytmachmudin @marwanhamamismi @marwan.hamami @iyos_somantri @sukabumikab @gurilapss.sukabumi @pemkab_sukabumi_diskominfo
#sukabumi #sukabumiface #geopark #ciletuh #palabuhanratu #ciletuhpalabuhanratu #cpuggp #jabar #anggaranarat #indonesia #ciletuhgeopark #geoparkciletuh
#desawisataindonesia #desawisatahanjeli #hanjeliabahasep #panganlokal #wonderfulindonesia #geoparkciletuhpalabuhanratu #unescoglobalgeopark #biodiversity