Deputy Regent of Sukabumi H. Iyos Somantri Representing the Regent Attending the 2024 Geotourism Festival & International Conference, at UGGp Rinjani - Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.
This activity, which will be held from 5 to 7 July 2024, is an annual event that raises strategic issues related to education, conservation, disaster mitigation, human resources in the field of geotourism. This activity is in line with several policy directions stated in national priorities and regional priorities, such as improving the quality of education, strengthening applied research, strengthening quality and competitive human resources, low carbon development and strengthening infrastructure to support economic development, building the environment, increasing resilience. disasters and climate change
On this occasion, the Deputy Regent of Sukabumi H. Iyos Somantri represented the Regent as a speaker at the 2024 Geotourism Festival & international Conference which was held at UGGp Rinjani - Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.
After the event, the Deputy Regent said, Regarding the material presented as a resource person regarding the regional government's policy in managing the Ciletuh Palabuhanratu geopark, we have conveyed to the audience participants that the development of this geopark must pay attention to increasing community income.
"On the other hand, how to maintain the earth remains so that whatever activities are carried out in the geopark area must be in accordance with the spatial layout and applicable legal provisions and regulations." Obviously.
????. @humasirfan
